The Enganche is the creator, the straw that stirs the drink, the maestro who pulls the strings, and this blog is dedicated to his creative muse. It has grown out of a half-century love for the Beautiful Game, from snot-nosed and bloody-kneed in bumpy ant-filled fields of Atlanta through the pristine pitch at Haverford College. I have been coaching high school soccer for most of the past 30 years, though my main gig is teaching high school history. I have been entranced by the comedy and tragedy, heroes and villains, and pure collective magic and individual genius of the game, which turns us all into mesmerized little kids at its best. I've been writing with irreverential reverence for the game for a decade, and am honored that you took a moment to check it out. There are so many lenses through which the sport is viewed, and I look forward to mind- expanding, humorous and civilized repartee with all who arrive. The game of course can be a vehicle for vengeance, but the love of the game is transcendent. In a time in which borders and hostilities are ramped up by entrepreneurs of hate, I hope in this small way we might find some things to laugh and cry about, and to appreciate that we can watch the same game and come away with entirely different takes. Such is life, such is life.
Peace and Inspiration in the Beautiful Game,
Peter Shulman, June 13, 2018